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时间:2024-05-11 来源:www.51mbalunwen.com作者:L040207
The development of a company is influenced by many factors, and the factor that plays a decisive and critical role in it is management, and the most critical part of management is in the management of talents. Among the large number of talents, the company's management plays a vital role in the company's development stage. Along with the continuous development and improvement of the economic system, the modern enterprise system of domestic companies has been basically completed, and the ensuing problem is the salary incentive problem of the company's management personnel.
According to the data from the survey, the management personnel of domestic companies want to associate their own compensation with their own performance. At present, the salary of employees of domestic companies in management shows that the composition of wages in China is still relatively simple, and fixed income is still the main income of management personnel. This situation will have a great impact on management's enthusiasm for work. At the same time, management is a key link to promote a company's development. In the company's sustainable development, management personnel play a pivotal role, and the enthusiasm of management personnel will have a direct impact on the company's development and company performance.
Relevant research shows that the management personnel of domestic companies, in their salary income, are mostly short-term remuneration, and only a small part of the remuneration is long-term incentives with incentives. However, this long-term incentive with incentives is more conducive to the company's sustainable development, and can effectively reduce the situation in which the interests of the principal and the agent in the company relationship system cannot be consistent. In this way, the company's management personnel are often affected by short-term interests to make some behaviors that are harmful to the company's sustainable development, resulting in a certain economic loss to the company, and even more serious impact on the company's survival. It can be found that for the company's management personnel, having a scientific and practical salary structure system can stimulate the enthusiasm of the management team members at work while promoting the healthy growth of the company.
Based on the previous studies, this article studies and analyzes the relevant theories and research status of the company's management salary structure and corporate performance, and then analyzes the current situation of China's rubber machinery industry executives' compensation structure and corporate performance. Explore the overall development. On this basis, this paper collects relevant data, through the analysis of factor analysis and regression model, whether the salary structure of China's rubber machinery industry executives has an effect on corporate performance, and for the salary structure of Chinese rubber machinery industry managers The problems existing in the paper, from several aspects, propose optimization and improvement measures for the salary structure of managers in China's rubber machinery industry.
The main conclusions of this paper are as follows:
(1) From the perspective of the mechanism of the salary structure on corporate performance, fixed salary is determined by the quality of the management personnel and the various “past” factual factors such as the co-organized positions of the work, and has a certain number of incentives. tool. However, an important flaw in this type of incentive mechanism is the lack of flexibility. Flexible compensation, to a large extent, helps to reduce risk aversion by managers. Once the salary is changed by the business performance of the company, the flexible salary will have a strong incentive effect and risk-taking effect on the management personnel. In the composition of salary, the proportion of fixed and flexible aspects will have different effects on the behavior of managers and their enthusiasm. The degree of action will further affect the company's performance.
An empirical analysis of the impact of the compensation structure of China's rubber machinery enterprises on corporate performance found that the proportion of the salary components of the management personnel of China's rubber machinery enterprises had a significant impact on the company's performance. However, this correlation coefficient is small. This may be because when the flexible salary of the management personnel of China's rubber machinery enterprises reaches a higher proportion, although it can play a greater incentive to the management personnel and improve their enthusiasm for work, But this also means the uncertainty of the management's compensation. At this time, management personnel may take some actions to reduce risks and shorten the return on investment in the face of some investment projects, thus reducing the management personnel themselves. Performance risk. The proportion of salary composition of the management personnel of China's rubber machinery enterprises will not have a significant effect on the company's performance. The reason for the analysis may be that the incentive effect of the management personnel of China's rubber machinery enterprises, besides being affected by the proportion of their salary components, will also be affected by other factors, such as the salary level of management personnel and non-material incentive factors. Wait. At the same time, the height of a company's performance, besides being affected by the compensation incentives of management personnel, will also be affected by, for example, internal resource problems of the enterprise and the large environmental factors of the enterprise.
The development of this research has certain theoretical and practical significance. Research on the impact of compensation structure on company performance has not yet seen a unified view in the academic field. The research selected this object is the specific industry in the specific region. For the relationship between the salary structure and the company's performance in the industry, it is theoretically discussed and analyzed through empirical analysis. This behavior is enriched to some extent. The original research content of the industry, and also achieved the complement and improvement of relevant theories.
Constructing a compensation structure that meets the company's development requirements, while helping the company achieve its business objectives, it also meets the material needs and spiritual needs of the employees themselves, which exists in practice for the development of modern market economy and the sustainable development of the rubber machinery industry. A very critical meaning.
First of all, this research can be used as a reference for other industries in building the compensation structure of company managers. For the related research on the salary structure of the management personnel of China's rubber machinery industry, the specific implementation structure is analyzed by means of investigation and other means, and the advantages and disadvantages of the structure are obtained. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the structure, the corresponding characteristics are proposed. The perfect means can not only promote the improvement of the mechanism mechanism of China's rubber machinery industry, but also provide a sample of employee incentives as other related industries.
Secondly, analyzing the salary structure of the management personnel of China's rubber machinery industry will help optimize the quality of the entire industry, thus providing a strong guarantee for the development of domestic rubber machinery and the overall development of the national economy. China is still in the stage of economic transition. At this stage, the form of product growth is in the stage of transition from extensive to intensive. In the economic transition phase, the company has a new form of talent needs and use. Studying and analyzing the talent incentive system of China's rubber machinery industry at the stage of economic transition, while promoting the development of the industry, it plays a vital role in the overall development of society and is of vital importance to the development of society.
Keywords: salary; salary structure; satisfaction; rubber machinery industry
目  录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
1.2研究方法和内容 2
1.2.1研究方法 2
1.2.2研究内容 3
第2章 文献综述和理论基础 5
2.1概念界定 5
2.1.1薪酬及薪酬的作用 5
2.1.2薪酬结构 6
2.1.3企业绩效 6
2.2薪酬结构对企业绩效影响的机理 7
2.2.1固定薪酬对企业绩效的影响 7
2.2.2弹性薪酬对企业绩效的影响 8
2.2.3薪酬构成比例对企业绩效的影响 10
2.3国内外研究现状 14
2.3.1企业薪酬结构研究现状 14
2.3.2企业绩效研究现状 15
2.3.3薪酬结构对企业绩效影响的研究 16
第3章 研究假设 18
3.1弹性薪酬比例对企业绩效的影响 18
3.2企业管理层对其薪酬构成满意度对企业绩效的影响 19
第4章 研究方法 21
4.1研究变量 21
4.1.1自变量 21
4.1.2因变量 21
4.2研究实施 25
4.3数据来源及处理 25
第5章 薪酬结构对企业绩效影响的实证分析 26
5.1企业绩效的评估 26
5.1.1变量相关性分析 26
5.1.2KMO检验和Bartlett检验 26
5.1.3共同度分析 27
5.1.4因子提取和因子旋转 28
5.1.5旋转后因子截荷矩阵 28
5.1.6企业绩效综合评价 29
5.2薪酬结构对企业绩效影响的回归分析 30
5.2.1变量描述性统计分析 30
5.2.2变量回归分析 31
5.2.3回归结果讨论 31
第6章 企业薪酬结构的对策建议 35
6.1建立长期激励计划 35
6.2合理设计弹性薪酬比例 37
6.3合理设计业绩评价体系 39
第7章 结论和展望 41
7.1主要结论 41
7.2研究展望 42
参考文献 43
附录:调查问卷 46

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